Most Filipinos that love Japanese Foods, especially the ladies, really love eating California Maki. Maybe it is because it’s the most well known Japanese food, aside from Tempura of course. Other than its appearance and reputation, the taste of California Maki is acceptable in most Filipino palates. For the new starters and still learning to eat food items from the sushi bar, the California Maki is the best choice to start. California Maki’s original recipe from countries outside the Philippines, consist of avocado, crabmeat (it could be real crab meat or imitation crabmeat stick “Kani Kama”), cucumber, and lettuce. However, here in the Philippines, we substituted the avocado with our most favorite mango fruit, which even made the California Maki more delicious. Maybe it is because of the availability of the mango all year round, unlike the avocado that is seasonal.
As I have said, the California Maki is the best menu for a newbie eater in a Japanese restaurant to start. It is because the California Maki doesn’t have any raw meat inside its roll. All you will get is a fruity, sweet, and rich flavored salad with rice. My advice for the starters is to eat one slice of it whole. All slices are cut into bite size pieces, if you take a bite; chances are you won’t love it.
Also, most of the reactions I got from the starter are that they are not familiar with the flavor or taste of the Nori (Dried Seaweeds). And somehow don’t like it. The Nori is what holds the rice in place when rolling the California Roll, it also gives additional flavor to it. However, not most people love seaweeds. That’s what pushed me to create a new alternative way to enjoy the Califronia Roll. The California Maki in Rice Paper Roll is a new way of having California Maki without the Nori or Dried Seaweeds, its good for the beginners and for those who don’t love the taste of the nori. Same ingredients, same experience, and a bit of twist in its flavor.
Presenting to you a new twist to enjoy California. Happy dining everyone!