Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Can We Filipinos Really Earn From The Internet?

Hi there!

Glad to have you here on my blog! Hmm.. Let me guess why you are here. Maybe you are searching for ways on how to earn thru the internet. Or maybe you found a link that says "How Can We here in the Philippines earn money thru the internet" and clicked on it.

Interested or not, have you ever wondered how Google, or Facebook, or Friendster, etc. provide free services to users? Well, we all get those free services offered by websites because advertisers pay for advertisements they display on their site.

Look at all those BLUE LINKS above and all over my blog, those are advertisements from GOOGLE ADWORDS. They let me use it thru Google Adsense and Google gives a share to the blog owner whenever users or readers will click on those links.

Google Ads is what we call PPC or pay per click, advertisements paid based on the click counts. There are many other ways to earn thru the internet, but I find PPC to be easy to do. One good thing about Google Adwords is that they display relevant advertising on your blog. Look at those links above, they are all related to this article and more or less its all about earning online. So, why not have a try for yourself and see whats best for you or your website. But just remember, its all about content, reliable information, none spam, and plain common sense. Make your website usable for everyone and unique.

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